My Work
This is where you can find all the projects I have worked on over the past few years. From school campaigns to passion projects.
This is the first-ever campaign I made in school. This campaign was an assignment that my team and I had to complete in class.
Talking Cedar - Kayak Gin
This was my capstone project. My team and I were tasked with creating a campaign for Talking Cedar for their product Kayak Gin. The first gin to be distilled and sold in a Native American reserve.
This is a passion project of mine. I first came up with the idea in a group project and am now expanding on it. This campaign is currently under construction so no peeking just yet.
Duluth Trading Company
This is another passion project of mine. I chose Duluth because I work there and always found their marketing interesting. This campaign is currently under construction so no peeking just yet.